A part of the Athens, GA community since 1843.
A lot is happening
at Emmanuel.
Check out our weekly
e-mmanuel e-letter.
All are invited into the full life and worship of this community, regardless of race, sexuality, gender identity, or physical or mental ability. All means all.
Weekly Schedule
8:30 am | Holy Eucharist
9:30am | Formation
10:30 am | Holy Eucharist (Live on YouTube)
Noon | Natural Spirituality (Library)
3:00 pm | Third Sunday | Brotherhood of St. Andrew (LL Coventry Classroom)
9:00 am | Bible Study (LL Coventry Classroom)
10:00 am | Natural Spirituality (Library)
10:00 am | Centering Prayer (Chapel)
12:15 pm | Healing Service with Holy Eucharist (Chapel)
5:00 pm | Dinner (Common Room)
6:00 pm | Pray and Play (Day School)
6:00 pm | EYC (Youth Room)
6:00 pm | Choristers Children's Choir (Music Room)
6:00 pm Lent Book Club (Common Room)
7:00 pm | Choir Rehearsal (Music Room)
8:30 am | First Saturday | Brotherhood of St. Andrew Breakfast
* Contact the Office for information regarding the schedule.
Past service recordings
available on
Register for Children's & Youth Programs
We ask that all children and youth participating in classes, programs and events at Emmanuel Episcopal Church have a registration form on file. Complete the form HERE.
Register for Emmanuel Choristers
We ask that all children and youth participating in the Chorister Program register
Spring Adult Formation
More information can be found here.
Wednesday Nights at Emmanuel
Dinner 5:00p.m. - 6:00p.m.
Programming 6:00p.m. - 6:45p.m.
*Stay and Play Infant - 4 years old
* Emmanuel Choristers 5 - 13 years old
* EYC (Youth) 14 - 18 years old
*Adult Formation
Organ Dedication Recital
Sunday | March 23 | 5:00 pm
Lent Formation
Please check out all of our Lenten formation offerings
at this link.
Adult Choir
Meet in the Lower Level Music Room @ 7:00 pm on Wednesday to rehearse.
Parish Volunteer Opportunities
Make a New Year's resolution to meet friends old and new and to grow with your parish! See and sign-up for activities HERE.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
498 Prince Avenue
Athens, Georgia 30601
(706) 543-1294
(706) 223-3007 (fax)
rev. katie@emmanuelathens.org
Parish Administrator: akurtz@emmanuelathens.org
All Rights Reserved | Emmanuel Episcopal Church